Remote Play with PlayStation 3 Installer File: Patch Files: 1.Download all the files from links in the description. 2.Run EP.exe 3.Install Remote Play. 4.After installation 'Play Remote with PS3' will not work. 5.Extract the VVRPPatch.rar 6.Copy all the files from the VVRPPatch folder. 7.Paste & replace inside C: Program Files (x86) Sony Remote Play with PlayStation 3. Numero smart card sky cracked. 8.Run Play Remote with PlayStation.

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  2. Nt Authority Windows 10

9.Click the 'Help button' for instructions on how to connect to your PS3. Thank you for watching.

I'm trying to install Remote Play software to connect my laptop to my PS3. I've found a guide with instructions which seem to be in fairly wide use (found similar walk-throughs on numerous other sites), for running the software on a non-Vaio PC. The setup essentially goes like this:. Download Remote Play software.


Nt authority remote

Download patch by NTAuthority. Install Remote Play as normal. Extract NTAuthority patch to Remote Play program folder. Manually register patched DLLs via CLI. Run Remote Play software. Sadly, my problem is early in - Step 3. I had to use Google to find the software download, as the link from Tech-Recipies seems broken.

I found the download on Sony's site here: After downloading and running the software, I hit 'Next' at the welcome screen and 'I Agree' at the EULA screen. After this, a popup informs me that Setup is checking my computer's information.

Then, Setup terminates with this error: I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Is anyone familiar with this error in this software? Is there a way to work around it? Did I perhaps pick the wrong download from Sony's site?

Nt Authority Windows 10

Another option is to get beyondexec to copy the file to the remote computer. Specifying the - c switch will do just this, copying the file to. ADMIN$ is winnt or windows depending. 0 or Windows XP respectively. When specified with a process, the remote computer will attempt to shutdown/reboot/log off. Thanks to the work of NTAuthority and RichDevX this software is now unlocked to work on any Windows 7 PC. Also included is a patch and. Remote Play with. Playstation 3 – Use Remote Play on any Windows 7 PC. NTAuthority for the patch old, non-working patch and PSDevWiki devs for the new patch.