TDW50.cardcin4d 18/2/04 12:01 pm Page 1 E S S E N T I A L KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS COLLECTORS’ CARD CINEMA 4D R8 Selected keyboard shortcuts to help you get more from Cinema 4D. A wheel mouse is necessary to use certain shortcuts. If you work on a Mac, use Opt instead of Alt, and Cmd instead of Ctrl EDITOR – FILE MENU Extrude Inner I New. Ctrl+N Knife K Open Ctrl+O Scale T Close All Ctrl+Shift+F4 X-Axis / Heading X Close Ctrl+F4 Y-Axis / Pitch Y Merge Ctrl+Shift+O Z-Axis / Bank Z Quit Alt+F4 Make Editable C Save Ctrl+S Toggle Active Tool Space Save as.
Cinema 4d Shortcuts
List Of Cinema 4d Shortcuts
Cinema 4D Shortcuts Pdf Merge. Here you will find all of the most important Cinema 4D shortcut keys listed out nice and neatly and best of all its really easy to. I CINEMA 4D Release 14 Quickstart Manual The software described in this document is subject to a license agreement and may only be used in accordance with the.