You can also Download Ps1 iso, IMG, or bin files and use. Start Popstation GUI Browse for the IMG file on your desktop and. AND FEEL FREE TO.

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Simple Popstation GUI (v3.00 beta) Current Project This program allows you to convert your PS1 games to a PSP compatible format (a GUI for popstation). Also, there are MANY other features, including (but not limited to):. PSX images and EBOOTs are FULLY customizable - from gameboot/warning picture customization to changing Game Save names. EBOOT patching is quite fast - no more PSP Brew.

Ps3 free popstation v5 ダウンロード

Conversion with a progress bar! (note, no progress bar when creating compressed EBOOTs). Supports CUE and MDF, as well as standard popstation supported files (currently, no other popstation GUI does this). Extract ISO from EBOOT - includes compressed EBOOTs and will also extract a CCD file.

Ps3 Free Popstation V5 ダウンロード

I've tried to make it easy to use:) Also it's more visually appealing:P. ALL files are included - no more searching for elusive KEYS.BIN or BASE.PBP files. MANY other features - such as a Preview feature, EBOOT add/delete/extracting etc etc - see screenshot:) Download NOTE: v3.00beta is for 3.03 OE-C and above. Use v2.26 beta is for 3.03 OE-A, 3.03 OE-A' and 3.03 OE-B. Use v1.26b for converting to 3.02 OE-B. Download v2.26 beta (592KB) Mirrors: Note, this program was written in Visual Basic 6. So if you have an older version of Windows (eg Windows 9x) you may need the for these programs to work.

Ps3-free popstation v5

Older versions can be obtained. Other forum links:. Guest Wrote:If the screen size fix for PSX PAL games could be tweaked this program would be 00% amazing =P Come on Zinga you know you want to =) An amazing achievment as it is:P Cheers!

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Ps3-free popstation v5

Thanks for the message:) Well, the thing is,I don't know how to really do such things. I still recommend using Zapper2000 - it's a dedicated fixer, and will always give better results than my program does. Guest Wrote:Hi! Thanks a lot for this great program, it is nearly perfect!

I have a question: when you try to launch it, it complain that a file is missing. In fact, it search for BASE.PBP, but in the new popstation, I was thinking that you could use the DATA.PSP from DarkAlex instead? If I'm right, it would be great to suppress this check, and if I'm wrong, just let me know, and sorry for my misunderstanding! Umm, BASE.PBP is actually still required.

Showtek today is tomorrow rapidshare downloader. If you use the link from this page, the BASE.PBP file is included (I removed it from the MaxConsole posts, cause I'm not too sure of their policy there). The decrypted DATA.PSP file allows you to play PSX games without the KEYS.BIN.