There are basic Pro Tools key shortcuts focused mostly on so called in Pro Tools 'Commands Keyboard Focus Mode' one-key stroke commands. As a Pro Tools user, I just wanted to transfer the key map that I used the most.

Pro Keyboard Commands for Pro Tools 1. 3 By Lisa F Categories: Audio Software. Pro Tools also provides several keyboard shortcuts for moving. A MIDI controller is a device that can send commands to a MIDI- equipped device. MIDI is a wide ranging protocol: it can be used for triggering (playing) notes on a.

It is a good start point for a transition from PT or for an easier use of both DAWs. The PDF file with the key map is to be found here: Links.


The blue highlighted keys are similar to the Pro Tools ones. The rest is REAPER inherent. The blank spaces contain the original key shortcuts to be found in the ReaperKeyboardShortcuts.pdf file. Comments.

Pro Tools Reaper Theme

// June 27, 2009 There are basic Pro Tools key shortcuts focused mostly on so called in Pro Tools 'Commands Keyboard Focus Mode' one-key stroke commands. As a Pro Tools user, I just wanted to transfer the key map that I used the most. It is a good start point for anyone who would like to transition from PT or use both DAWs. The PDF file with the key map is to be found here: Liks. The blue highlighted keys are similar to the Pro Tools ones. The rest is REAPER inherent. The blank spaces contain the original key shortcuts to be found in the ReaperKeyboardShortcuts.pdf file.