1. Download Hwk Update Client
  2. Hwk Update Client

Good news, has released on july 22 2013 the new version of update client for upgrading our. By this release now we can't download separately the setup files from saruna. Exercise Bike. All task to upgrade are using online method. That may could a trouble for the reason of bad quality of internet connection. I recommend you to using a cable connection, don't use a wireless connection. Except you pay for the best wireless connection.

If you have bad as mine better using cable connection and it work fo' me. I wont say anything 'bout sarassoft new server, because it work very good. Don't forget to kill your anti virus 'till all process finished and hwk ready to use. For professional advance user it would be not so hard.

But for us the newbies it will confusing when trouble comes. But don't worry, i will let you know how to do. Don't forget to uninstall old version, you can do it by Start menu or Control Panel.

Download Hwk Update Client


Hwk Update Client

UFS Installation HWK Update Client, UFS installation problem.