
1st reich 2nd reich 3rd reich
  1. The Third Reich
  2. Freedom Force Vs The Third Reich Patch

Third Reich/WW2; Patches, Cuffbands; Categories. Imperial German/WW1. Patches, Cuffbands. Kriegsmarine Anti Aircraft Gun Crew Leader Sleeve Patch - ORIGINAL.

Posts: 2336 Joined: 3/18/2004 From: Maryland Status: offline I have a v1.1 update to my A3R mod just about ready for me to stick a fork in it and say it's 'done'. I think I was a bit rushed to wrap this up for release as v1.0 in the Community Content DLC, and there's at least one bug with Italy surrender that I fixed. I have also revised the CONVOY scripts to be compatible with the latest v1.10.03 beta patch, but I'd like to wait to release my mod update until the game is officially updated next month. In the meantime, if anyone is interested in playtesting A3R v1.1 over the holidays using the beta patch then please contact me and I can email you a copy. My version notes are listed below. This is playing out very nicely now during recent AI-vs-AI playtests at default difficulty for both Axis and Allied sides, but I'd still greatly appreciate any feedback from real players completing a game against the computer opponent at higher difficulty level.

The Third Reich


Freedom Force Vs The Third Reich Patch

Too tough, or not tough enough? Alright, let me know. At some point I will prepare a game AAR for v1.1 before I release it next month.