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  1. Alpha Risk Beta
  2. Beta Risk
  3. Alpha Risk Stocks

Sir, Sunday evening March 1st,1868 University of Virginia, For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis. For the promotion of brotherly love and kind feeling. For the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard. We have resolved to form a fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object.' Robertson Howard Julian Edward Wood James Benjamin sclater, Jr. Frederick Southgate Taylor Littleton waller Tazewell Bradford William Alexander Sir.

PRESIDENT ( An overall Fraternity man) - Should be well versed in parliamentary procedure. He should be an Experienced, Fraternity man, with the significant knowledge of fraternity operations, campus policies, and the strategies by which chapter will improve itself.

Also makes sure the chapter has a set of goals long term and short term, and a skeleton calendar for identifying what dates are targeted for certain activities. INTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT (Inside Affairs) -Alumni Relations -Historian/ End of Year Summary -Webmaster/ Communications -Scholarship -Fund Raising -Continuing Education 2. SECRETARY - Keeps accurate records of official events and keeps the membership list for the chapter. Keeps minutes during meetings and reports pledgings, initiations, membership changes.

SERGEANT AT ARMS - Helps keep order during chapter meetings. Works with the chapters Ritual Committee to increase awareness and knowledge of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Ritual, and he coordinates rehearsals for special ceremonies including pledging and initiation. Also heads the chapter's judicial committee. TREASURE - Manages the chapter's finances, works with other executive members to develop an overall budget. Heads Financial Committee as well.

RECRUITMENT OFFICER - Recruits men that will best preserve and represent PIKES motto and meaning. Heads Recruitment Committee. RISK AWARENESS - Handles the Fraternity's safety aspects. Making sure the Fraternity is being responsible and keeping safety first. Setting up Designated Drivers as an example. PLEDGE EDUCATION - Teaches the pledges how to become a True Pike and educates them on the history of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity.

Shaping pledges into a replica of himself. EXTERNAL VICE PRESIDENT (Outside Affairs) -Athletics -Social -Public Relations -Community Service -Campus Involvement -Special Events -Marketing. ROBERT ADGER SMYTHE AWARD - Recognizes overall chapter superiority and prominence -The chapters that win this award are tops on their campus and the 'best of the best' amongst all of Pi Kappa Alpha.A year-end overall awards score of at least a 3.75 (out of 4.0) -An active membership level of at least 65 initiates -An alumni advisory board as deemed by regional president -Chapter representation at all Pike University events (including at least one Leadership Summit) 2. THE EXCELLENCE AWARD. ORIANS CHAPTER EXCELLENCE AWARDS) -A year-end overall awards score of at least a 3.25 (out of 4.0) -An active membership of at least 50 initiates -An alumni advisory board as deemed by regional president - Chapter representation at all Pike University events (including at least one Leadership Summit) 3. NEWELL AWARD -Earned by the most improved chapters of the year 4.

Pi Kappa Alpha Risk Awareness Handbook Of Pharmaceutical Excipients. Eckermann, F., Stronzik, M., Hunt, A. Medical uses Fever Paracetamol is used for reducing fever.

CHAPTER PROGRAMING AWARDS -Earned by chapters excelling in one of many areas of chapter operations 5. 100 MAN CHAPTER AWARDS -Earned by chapters with 100 or more student members 6.

INTERNATIONAL WORK DAY AWARDS -Earned for exemplary participation in this annual real estate event. 7.PIKE UNIVERSITY AWARDS -Recognizing individual and chapter wide participation in Pike University 8.

SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS -Recognizing chapters with a GPA above 3.0 and recognizing the highest among them. 9.RECRUITMENT AWARDS -Recognizing most improved and top recruiting chapters.There are also a number of individual student and alumnus awards. 100% COLLECTION AWARDS -Earned by chapters that collect 100% of all fees and assessments billed during fiscal year. Achieved a chapter GPA above 2.79 on a 4.0 scale 2.Recruited the most top scholars, leaders, and gentleman year-round 3.Annually, initiated at least 85% of their pledges 4. Maintained a chapter size in the top 5% of all fraternities on their campus.

Contributed an average of 5,000 hours of service to their community annually. Donated an average of $15,000 to charities annually 7.

Competed in all campus sports and finished either first or second among all campus fraternity chapters 8. Publish a news letter at least twice a year.

Sunday Evening, March 1, 1868 University of Virginia For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis; for the promotion of brotherly love and kind feeling; for the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of this with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard; We have resolved to form a Fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object. Robertson Howard Julian Edward Wood James Benjamin Sclater, Jr. Frederick Southgate Taylor Littleton Waller Tazewell (Bradford) William Alexander. Pi Kappa Alpha Preamble Sunday Evening, March 1, 1868 University of Virginia For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis; for the promotion of brotherly love and kind feeling; for the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard; We have resolved to form a Fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object. Robertson Howard Julian Edward Wood James Benjamin Sclater, Jr.

Frederick Southgate Taylor Littleton Waller Tazewell (Bradford) William Alexander. Pi Kappa Alpha Preamble Sunday Evening, March 1, 1868 University of Virginia For the establishment of friendship on a firmer and more lasting basis; for the promotion of brotherly love and kind feeling; for the mutual benefit and advancement of the interests of those with whom we sympathize and deem worthy of our regard; We have resolved to form a Fraternity, believing that, thus we can most successfully accomplish our object. Robertson Howard Julian Edward Wood James Benjamin Sclater, Jr. Frederick Southgate Taylor Littleton Waller Tazewell (Bradford) William Alexande.

(Basically a vote taken by noting the relative strength and volume of calls of aye and no.) The voice vote, or acclamation, is considered the simplest and quickest of voting methods used by deliberative assemblies. The presiding officer or chair of the assembly will put the question to the assembly, asking first for all those in favor of the motion to indicate so verbally ('aye' or 'yes'), and then ask second all those opposed to the motion to indicate so verbally ('no'). The chair will then make an estimate of the count on each side and state what he or she believes the result to be. Since in close cases this can be imprecise, typically if there is any doubt as to the outcome any member of the assembly may request another vote by a method such as division of the assembly (a standing or rising vote), or a roll call vote. Voice votes are usually not recorded, while others are.

Alpha Risk Beta

Meeting minutes keep an official account of what was done or talked about at formal meetings, including any decisions made or actions taken. Your meeting minutes do not need to include every little detail. You just need to document the key information and any decisions made or actions taken. Typical minutes will include the following: Basic information about the meeting: date, time, location. Who attended, along with a special note in the cases of when attendees came late or left early.

Agenda items with a brief description of each item. Voting actions with a detailed account of how each individual voted. Time when meeting was adjourned. Robertson Howard 1. Worked as a young teenager in the military hospital for the Union Army 3. Roomed with James Benjamin Sclater Jr.

Beta Risk

Julian Edward Wood 1. Fought with decoration in the Civil War Battle of New Market 2. Father was a physician 3. Born in North Carolina James Benjamin Sclater Jr.

Studied medicine at the University of Virginia 2. Never married 3. Youngest of the Founders to die Frederick Southgate Taylor 1. He gave the Fraternity its name 2. Probably authored the earliest Ritual 3. Presided over the first convention in 1874.

Littleton Waller Tazewell (Bradford) 1. Buried in Elmwood Cemetery 2. Originally born William Bradford but changed his name 3.

His grandfather was a governor of Virginia William Alexander 1. Became an executive in the Equitable Life Assurance Society where he worked for more than 65 years 2. Son of one of the great theologians of the first half of the 19th century 3. Spent the Civil War years in Great Britain. Robert Adger Smythe 1. Attended the Citadel 2.

Alpha Risk Stocks

Founded the Lambda Chapter 3. Founded the Shield & Diamond John Shaw Foster 1. Attended Southwestern Presbyterian University 2. Has a Bachelor's Degree in Divinity 3. Was the only member of the Pi Kappa Alpha Theta chapter for a semester Howard Bell Arbuckle 1.

What is alpha risk

Born in West Virginia 2. Studied Chemistry 3. Met his wife at the University of Florida Theron Hall Rice 1. From Alabama 2.

Served as a pastor for a while 3. Was the first National President of Pi Kappa Alpha.